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PayloadFormatException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
An exception indicating that an invalid payload representation has been provided to either setPayloadJson or setPayloadMap and therefore a payload instance could not be created.
PayloadFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PayloadFormatException
Invoke this constructor when a JSON representation failed to create a payload instance.
PayloadFormatException(Map, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PayloadFormatException
Invoke this constructor when a Java map representation failed to create a payload instance.
pdfContent - Variable in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.template.AbstractJacksonPdfTemplate
The array of bytes of the PDF document.
PdfferController - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.web
The type Pdffer controller.
PdfferController(PdfferProducerBean) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.web.PdfferController
Instantiates a new Pdffer controller.
PdfferCoreConfiguration - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer
The main Spring configuration class for PDFfer Core.
PdfferCoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.PdfferCoreConfiguration
PdfferException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
The top-level exception of the PDFfer exception hierarchy.
PdfferException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferException
Instantiates a new Pdffer exception.
PdfferException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferException
Instantiates a new Pdffer exception.
PdfferException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferException
Instantiates a new Pdffer exception.
PdfferException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferException
Instantiates a new Pdffer exception.
PdfferException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferException
Instantiates a new Pdffer exception.
PdfferHealthIndicator - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator
A Spring Actuator Health Indicator to assess the health of the PDFfer system.
PdfferHealthIndicator(ApplicationContext) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.PdfferHealthIndicator
Allows Spring to create the endpoint instance and pass the ApplicationContext instance into it.
PdfferMailerBean - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.mail
The PDFfer mailer bean.
PdfferMailerBean(JavaMailSender, PdfferMailerProps) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.mail.PdfferMailerBean
Allows Spring to create the bean instance and pass the JavaMailSender and PdfferMailerProps instances into it.
PdfferMailerConfiguration - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.mail
A conditional Spring configuration class for the email functionality of PDFfer.
PdfferMailerConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.mail.PdfferMailerConfiguration
PdfferMailerController - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.web
The type Pdffer mailer controller.
PdfferMailerController(PdfferProducerBean, PdfferMailerBean) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.web.PdfferMailerController
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer controller.
PdfferMailerControllerProps - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.props
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the mailer controller.
PdfferMailerControllerProps(String, String) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.props.PdfferMailerControllerProps
Instantiates a new PDFfer mailer controller props.
PdfferMailerException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Mailer exception hierarchy.
PdfferMailerException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferMailerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer exception.
PdfferMailerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferMailerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer exception.
PdfferMailerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferMailerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer exception.
PdfferMailerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferMailerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer exception.
PdfferMailerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferMailerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer exception.
PdfferMailerProps - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.props
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the mailer bean.
PdfferMailerProps(EmailAddressInfo, EmailAddressInfo, SmtpServerInfo) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.props.PdfferMailerProps
Instantiates a new Pdffer mailer props.
PdfferProducerBean - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer
The main Spring bean in PDFfer Core.
PdfferProducerBean(PdfferRegistryBean) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.PdfferProducerBean
Creates a new PdfferProducerBean with the given registry.
PdfferProducerException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Producer exception hierarchy.
PdfferProducerException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferProducerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer producer exception.
PdfferProducerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferProducerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer producer exception.
PdfferProducerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferProducerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer producer exception.
PdfferProducerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferProducerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer producer exception.
PdfferProducerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferProducerException
Instantiates a new Pdffer producer exception.
PdfferRegistryBean - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
The PDFfer bean that deals with PDF templates.
PdfferRegistryBean() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferRegistryBean
Allows Spring to create the bean instance.
PdfferRegistryConfiguration - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
PdfferRegistryConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferRegistryConfiguration
PdfferRegistryException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Registry exception hierarchy.
PdfferRegistryException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferRegistryException
Instantiates a new Pdffer registry exception.
PdfferRegistryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferRegistryException
Instantiates a new Pdffer registry exception.
PdfferRegistryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferRegistryException
Instantiates a new Pdffer registry exception.
PdfferRegistryException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferRegistryException
Instantiates a new Pdffer registry exception.
PdfferRegistryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfferRegistryException
Instantiates a new Pdffer registry exception.
PdfferTemplateBeanNameGenerator - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
Determines the name of a PDF template bean on the basis of the name attribute of the PdfTemplateComponent annotation.
PdfferTemplateBeanNameGenerator() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferTemplateBeanNameGenerator
PdfferTemplateComponentScanner - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
A custom scanner that looks for PDF templates for the PDFfer registry.
PdfferTemplateComponentScanner() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferTemplateComponentScanner
Instantiates the component scanner and a new application context for the registry.
PdfferTemplateExcludeFilter - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
A component scanner filter that matches all classes that do not implement the PdfTemplate interface.
PdfferTemplateExcludeFilter() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferTemplateExcludeFilter
PdfferTemplateScopeMetadataResolver - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry
Determines the scope of a PDF template bean on the basis of the scope attribute of the PdfTemplateComponent annotation.
PdfferTemplateScopeMetadataResolver() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferTemplateScopeMetadataResolver
PdfferWebControllerProps - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.props
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the web controller.
PdfferWebControllerProps(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.props.PdfferWebControllerProps
Instantiates a new PDFfer web controller props.
PdfInvoiceTemplate - Class in org.nekosoft.PDFferTemplates.invoice
A template for PDFfer that takes an InvoiceData instance as payload and generates a PDF invoice document from it.
PdfInvoiceTemplate() - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.PDFferTemplates.invoice.PdfInvoiceTemplate
Instantiates a new Pdf invoice template.
PdfTemplate<T> - Interface in org.nekosoft.pdffer.template
This interface is implemented by classes that want to be added to the PDFfer registry as PDF templates.
PdfTemplateComponent - Annotation Interface in org.nekosoft.pdffer.template
A stereotype annotation to mark a class as a PDF template for the PDFfer registry.
PdfTemplateException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
Base exception for template-related issues.
PdfTemplateException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfTemplateException
Constructs a new runtime exception with null as its detail message.
PdfTemplateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfTemplateException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
PdfTemplateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfTemplateException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PdfTemplateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.PdfTemplateException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
PROFILE_ACTUATOR - Static variable in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.PdfferCoreConfiguration
The name of the profile that includes the Spring Actuator beans for PDFfer.
PROFILE_EXPLORER - Static variable in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.PdfferCoreConfiguration
The name of the profile that includes the PDFfer Explorer website.
PROFILE_SHELL - Static variable in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.PdfferCoreConfiguration
The name of the profile that includes the Spring Shell beans for PDFfer.
props() - Method in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.MailerControllerInfoEndpoint
A READ operation that returns the PDFfer mailer controller configuration in the form of a Properties POJO.
props() - Method in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.MailerInfoEndpoint
A READ operation that returns the PDFfer mailer configuration in the form of a Properties POJO.
props() - Method in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.WebControllerInfoEndpoint
A READ operation that returns the PDFfer web controller configuration in the form of a Properties POJO.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form