All Classes

An abstract template that works with JSON based payloads and tries to turn them into the payload class that the template can handle.
A DTO with the payload for a PDF template.
A very basic template for PDFfer that takes a java Map of String to Object and prints it out in table form with the key name and corresponding value in each row.
A DTO for sending HTTP request to download a PDF from PDFfer.
A Property POJO part that represents an email address.
A DTO for sending HTTP request to download a PDF from PDFfer.
An exception raised when the producer is given a different payload instance to the class expected by the template.
An exception raised when the producer was given a payload that does not pass template validation.
An exception raised when the producer is given a template that is not the expected class.
A VO with all the data needed to create a PDF invoice with the NekoSoft PDF Invoice template.
A VO for each line item in a PDF invoice.
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to parse an email address.
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer mailer controller configuration.
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer mailer configuration.
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to compose an email message.
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to send an email.
An exception indicating that there is no payload in the template instance.
An exception indicating that an invalid payload representation has been provided to either setPayloadJson or setPayloadMap and therefore a payload instance could not be created.
The type Pdffer controller.
The main Spring configuration class for PDFfer Core.
The top-level exception of the PDFfer exception hierarchy.
A Spring Actuator Health Indicator to assess the health of the PDFfer system.
The PDFfer mailer bean.
A conditional Spring configuration class for the email functionality of PDFfer.
The type Pdffer mailer controller.
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the mailer controller.
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Mailer exception hierarchy.
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the mailer bean.
The main Spring bean in PDFfer Core.
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Producer exception hierarchy.
The PDFfer bean that deals with PDF templates.
The top-level exception of the PDFfer Registry exception hierarchy.
Determines the name of a PDF template bean on the basis of the name attribute of the PdfTemplateComponent annotation.
A custom scanner that looks for PDF templates for the PDFfer registry.
A component scanner filter that matches all classes that do not implement the PdfTemplate interface.
Determines the scope of a PDF template bean on the basis of the scope attribute of the PdfTemplateComponent annotation.
A Property POJO that reflects the configuration of the web controller.
A template for PDFfer that takes an InvoiceData instance as payload and generates a PDF invoice document from it.
This interface is implemented by classes that want to be added to the PDFfer registry as PDF templates.
A stereotype annotation to mark a class as a PDF template for the PDFfer registry.
Base exception for template-related issues.
A Property POJO part that represents SMTP server information.
An exception raised when the registry was not able to find the requested template group.
An exception raised when the registry was not able to find the requested template.
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer registry.
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer web controller configuration.