Class PdfferRegistryConfiguration


@Deprecated(forRemoval=false) @ComponentScan(basePackages="org.nekosoft.PDFferTemplates", useDefaultFilters=false, excludeFilters=, includeFilters=, nameGenerator=PdfferTemplateBeanNameGenerator.class, scopeResolver=PdfferTemplateScopeMetadataResolver.class) public class PdfferRegistryConfiguration extends Object

Older Java Config-based context for the template registry.

It was replaced by a different approach that uses a custom scanner class in order to support template groups.

This configuration scans the org.nekosoft.PDFferTemplates package for templates.

The scanner is configured with a custom filter, name generator and scope resolver, and does not use the default filters. In order to be picked up, classes need to implement the PdfTemplate interface and be annotated with PdfTemplateComponent.

Also see PdfferTemplateBeanNameGenerator, PdfferTemplateScopeMetadataResolver, PdfferTemplateExcludeFilter.

  • Constructor Details

    • PdfferRegistryConfiguration

      public PdfferRegistryConfiguration()