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MailAddressException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to parse an email address.
MailAddressException(AddressException) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.MailAddressException
Creates a new instance.
MailerControllerInfoEndpoint - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer mailer controller configuration.
MailerControllerInfoEndpoint(PdfferMailerControllerProps) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.MailerControllerInfoEndpoint
Allows Spring to create the endpoint instance and pass the PdfferMailerControllerProps instance into it.
MailerInfoEndpoint - Class in org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator
A Spring Actuator endpoint that allows inspection of the PDFfer mailer configuration.
MailerInfoEndpoint(PdfferMailerProps) - Constructor for class org.nekosoft.pdffer.actuator.MailerInfoEndpoint
Allows Spring to create the endpoint instance and pass the PdfferMailerProps instance into it.
MailMessageException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to compose an email message.
MailMessageException(MessagingException) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.MailMessageException
Creates a new instance.
mailSender(PdfferMailerProps) - Method in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.mail.PdfferMailerConfiguration
The JavaMailSender bean that provides details on how to send email from PDFfer.
MailSenderException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
An exception raised when the mailer was not able to send an email.
MailSenderException(MailException) - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.MailSenderException
Creates a new instance.
match(MetadataReader, MetadataReaderFactory) - Method in class org.nekosoft.pdffer.registry.PdfferTemplateExcludeFilter
MissingPayloadException - Exception in org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception
An exception indicating that there is no payload in the template instance.
MissingPayloadException() - Constructor for exception org.nekosoft.pdffer.exception.MissingPayloadException
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form